On a sunny evening, my plans were cancelled at the last minute, so I decided to hop on my motorcycle and head out to Volendam and Edam, as I’d been wanting to visit them for a long time. Although they’re known for being very touristy—which is probably what had kept me away until now—I didn’t know much about these villages. They certainly didn’t disappoint; in fact, I was pleasantly surprised by their beauty and tranquility. Cute houses tucked between canals and narrow streets, illuminated by the orange glow of the sunset, elevated the romantic feel of the place. The photo stroll also taught me a lesson about exposing film and how I should adjust my metering strategy in high-contrast situations like this one. The pictures looked as if they were taken through a dusty windshield, but nothing that Lightroom couldn’t fix. Unfortunately, because Key Photo Amsterdam took their time developing my film, it’s going to be another five rolls before I realised the mistake.